Great Books
Reading List
Judaism/Christianity: “The Flood,” Gen 4-9;Judaism, The Talmud
Hinduism: The Bhagadva Gita
Buddhism: “Hare Mark in the Moon” and “The Gateless Gate”
Islam: Qur’an 2 “The Cow” and sels. on Jesus
Aeschylus: Prometheus Bound, The Oresteia, Agamemnon, Libation Bearers, Eumenides
Anonymous: Epic of Gilgamesh (std ver.), trans. Kovac
Anonymous: “Martyrdom of Perpetua”
Anselm: “Ontological Argument,” Proslogium 1-6
Aquinas: “Five Ways” and “Natural Law” in Summa Theologica
Aristotle: Nichomachean Ethics
Augustine: Confessions 8, City of God 8.1-13
Bacon: “Idols” in Novum Organum Bk 1, Aphorisms 1-130
Calvin: Institutes 1.1-1.7
Camus: “Myth of Sisyphus” in The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays, tr. O’Brien
Catherine of Siena: Dialogue of Divine Providence (sels.)
Dante: The Inferno
Darwin: Descent of Man, ch. 1
Descartes: “Certainty of Self and God” in Meditations, 1-3
Dostoevsky: “The Grand Inquisitor” in The Brothers Karamazov
Dubois: “Souls of Black Folk,” in Three Negro Classics
Epictetus: Discourses 1.6-1.16-17
Erasmus/Luther: Discourse on Freewill
Freud: Civilization and Its Discontents Gutierrez: “Option for the Poor,” in Mysterium
Liberationist: Fundamental Concepts of Liberation Theology; tr. Barr.
Herodotus: Histories Bks 1, (sels.) 6-7 (McCauley)
Hobbes: Leviathan Bk 1, “Of Man”
Homer: Iliad Abridged, Odyssey Abridged, Bks 9-24
Hume: “Of Miracles” in Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
Julian of Norwich: Revelations of Divine Love, Revelation 1
Kant: “Reason and the Question of God” in Critique of Pure Reason
Kierkegaard: Fear and Trembling, Prelude/Panegyric upon Abraham
Lewis: Mere Christianity Bk. 1
Locke: “Ideas” in Essay Concerning Human Understanding 2.1-2.3, Second Treatise on Government
Lucretius: The Nature of Things Bks 2, 3, 6 (sels.)
Machiavelli: The Prince
Marx-Engels: Communist Manifesto
ML King: The Letter from Birmingham Jail
Nietzsche: “Truth and Lie in an Extra Moral Sense” (pp. 42-47); “The Gay Science” (pp. 93-102); “The Genealogy of Morals” (pp. 447-454); “Human, All Too Human” (pp. 51-64); “Beyond Good and Evil” (pp. 443-54)
Plato: Republic, Apology
Plutarch: Lives: “Julius Caesar,” “Cato the Younger”, “Lycurgus,” “Solon”
Rousseau: Discourse on the Origin of Inequality
Sappho: Poems from the 6th c. BC
Schaeffer: How Should We Then Live? (sels.)
Shelley: Fankenstein, The Modern Prometheus
Smith, Adam: The Wealth of Nations, from E. Butler’s Condensed Wealth of Nations
Sun Tzu: The Art of War 5th c. BC Chinese military tactics/Taoism
Thucydides: Peloponnesian Wars1.1-88, 2.1-58 (Thillwell)
Tocqueville: Democracy in America, (sels.)
US Founders: Declaration of Independence; US Constitution, Bill of Rights
Van Doren: History of Knowledge
Virgil: The Essential Aeneid
Washington: Up From Slavery