Benjamin L. Merkle
Research Professor of New Testament and Greek
Editor of the Southeastern Theological Review
A former IMB missionary to Southeast Asia. He is the author or editor of more than 30 books including 40 Questions about Elders and Deacons (Kregel, 2008), Why Elders? (Kregel, 2009), Ephesians, Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament (B&H, 2016), Going Deeper with New Testament Greek (coauthor, B&H, 2016), Greek for Life (coauthor, Baker, 2017) Exegetical Gems from Biblical Greek (Baker, 2019), Beginning with New Testament Greek (coauthor, B&H, 2020), and Discontinuity to Continuity: A Survey of Dispensational and Covenantal Theologies (Lexham, 2020). He is also the editor of Southeastern Theological Review and the 40 Questions Series (Kregel).
BRE, Reformed Bible College
MDiv, Westminster Theological Seminary
PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary